@EdWorkingPaper{ai24-917, title = "The Notorious SBG: Administrators’ Perceptions of Standards-Based Grading Practices", author = "Sarah Ruth Morris, Andy Parra-Martinez, Jonathan Wai, Robert Maranto", institution = "Annenberg Institute at Brown University", number = "917", year = "2024", month = "February", URL = "http://www.edworkingpapers.com/ai24-917", abstract = {This mixed-methods study synthesizes Standards-Based Grading (SBG) literature, analyzes 249 Arkansas administrators' survey responses using OLS regressions, and identifies themes through in-vivo coding of qualitative feedback. Results show more SBG support among liberal, elementary-level administrators in larger, economically diverse districts. Qualitative insights highlight structural barriers and mindsets against SBG, emphasizing its importance for mastery-focused assessment and grading alignment. These findings underscore the influence of principals' beliefs on SBG support and suggest researching the contextual and ideological factors influencing SBG's implementation.}, }